Our Lady Of Medjugorje – March 18th – A Mystery Revealed

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Our Lady of Medjugorje – March 18th – A Mystery Revealed (ODT)

Our Lady of Medjugorje – March 18th – A Mystery Revealed (WordDoc)

Our Lady
Queen of Peace of Medjugorje


March 18, 2015 Message

Mirjana’s Annual Apparition
Blue Cross on Apparition Mountain

“Dear children, with a full heart I am asking you, I am imploring you children: cleanse your hearts of sin and lift them up to God and to eternal life. I am imploring you: be vigilant and open for truth. Do not permit for all that is of this earth to distance you from the true cognition of the contentment in the communion with my Son. I am leading you on the way of true wisdom, because only with true wisdom can you come to know true peace and the true good. Do not waste time asking for signs of the Heavenly Father, because He has already given you the greatest sign, which is my Son. Therefore, my children, pray so that the Holy Spirit can lead you into truth, can help you to come to know it, and through that knowledge of the truth that you may be one with the Heavenly Father and with my Son. That is the cognition which gives happiness on earth and opens the door of eternal life and infinite love. Thank you.”

Afterwards Mirjana could not say that Our Lady was sad or joyful, but She was as a Mother who was addressing Her children with love. And then Mirjana added, saying, “Today’s beautiful day of Our Lady, Our Lady’s descending among us here on earth, the descending of paradise on earth, is not because it is my birthday. Our Lady did not even mention my birthday because for Her, my birthday is like the birthday of any one of you. But when the things start happening, the things for which She (Our Lady) has come here, then you will comprehend why She chose the 18th of March.”

* * *


MARCH 18th

“When Mirjana’s daily apparitions ceased in December, 1982, Our Lady told Mirjana that She would continue to appear to her once a year on Mirjana’s birthday until the end of her life. However, the date of March 18 is not significant because it is Mirjana’s birthday; rather it is significant because of some reason that we will learn in the future concerning this date.”

“It is one of the mysteries of Medjugorje.”

(As written on http://www.medjugorje.com)

* * *

What is the significance of the annual messages of Our Lady on March 18th to visionary, Mirjana? For almost 33 years, it has been a great mystery of Medjugorje.

In 1984/1985, Our Lady gave this message to the visionaries regarding the apparitions and their purpose:

“Is it, after all, that I bore you? Everything passes exactly according to God’s plan. Have patience, persevere in prayer and in penance. Everything happens in its own time.”

Now, as I write this, it is early March 2015. It is time to reveal the Mystery of this day, March 18th.

The Mystery is revealed in a very special message seven years ago from Our Lady to Mirjana on March 18, 2008. Here is the message:

March 18, 2008

Mirjana’s Annual Apparition

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje

Our Lady appeared to Mirjana on March 18, 2008 for her annual apparition. Our Lady appeared to Mirjana at 2:01 p.m. The apparition lasted 7 minutes. Mirjana relayed the following:

I have never seen Our Lady address us in this manner. She extended Her hands towards us and with Her hands extended in this way, She said:

“Dear children, today I extend my hands towards you. Do not be afraid to accept them. They desire to give you love and peace and to help you in salvation. Therefore, my children, receive them. Fill my heart with joy and I will lead you towards holiness. The way on which I lead you is difficult and full of temptations and falls. I will be with you and my hands will hold you. Be persevering so that, at the end of the way, we can all together, in joy and love, hold the hands of my Son. Come with me; fear not. Thank you.”

* * *

In 2011-2012, I wrote a book called, “Be My Extended Hands.” The book comprised four parts. The first part was my life testimony in walking with God and Our Lady. The second and third parts consisted of spiritual writings. And the final part was a compilation of heavenly messages as revealed through Holy Love Ministry (http://www.holylove.org) on the Highest Heaven and Unitive Love, which should be the goal of all humanity to strive for in their lifetime on earth. The book included an “invitation” from God the Father to every person to come closer to His Paternal Heart through the Spiritual Journey of Personal Holiness through The Sacred Chambers of The United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity and The Immaculate Heart of Mary. The “roadmap” for this spiritual journey of personal holiness is provided through heavenly messages at Holy Love Ministry.

My life testimony in the book goes more into depth on how significant the March 18, 2008 message from Our Lady of Medjugorje was for me. Here, I will only speak on what is relevant to reveal about the Mystery of this special day, March 18th.

Prior to the March 18, 2008 message, in January 2008, I had made a personal dedication to Our Lord. I was in heartfelt prayer, with tears falling and my nose running, one night in my bedroom. I extended both my hands in front of me, and in sincere faith, said to Jesus:

“Lord, I give you my heart and I give you my hands. Help me to have the “perfect love that casts out all fear.” I know holy people in heaven are called saints. Jesus, I have no desire to be a great saint. I just want to be the saint that You call me to be. Please be with me always.”

And I knew that dedication was acceptable to The Lord through signs He provided for me in the subsequent days. I also knew that extending my hands in prayer to Our Lord had infuriated satan, because later that month, I was involved in a serious 4-car accident and almost killed. But, The Lord had miraculously preserved my life with only a single small bruise on my chest to even testify that I had been in any car accident. I was blessed by God.

Then, upon reading the March 18, 2008 message from Our Lady of Medjugorje, I just knew that I was on the “right path” with God. This invitation to take the hands of Our Lady really affected me. I desired so much for Our Lady to walk with me. To be with me and to help me through my difficulties and temptations and even falls in my life. It just seemed like Our Lady was personally inviting me to hold Her hands, just like I had asked Jesus to hold my hands in January.

And so, that same night that I had read the March 18, 2008 message, I asked Our Lady in heartfelt prayer to hold my hands. I accept! And to confirm in my heart that I truly believed Our Lady was with me, each night, I would hold my right arm out while sleeping. So, Our Lady could hold my hand during the night. And miraculously, every morning, I woke up with my right arm extended in the same position I had placed it the night before. It was a mini-miracle.

Meanwhile, another heavenly message was received by Mirjana from Our Lady of Medjugorje:

May 2, 2008 Message to Mirjana

The Day of Non-Believers

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje

At 7:45 a.m., silence was requested to begin the Rosary with the thousands of pilgrims who were present for the apparition. Mirjana arrived at 8:55 a.m. She was noticeably moved, wiping her eyes a number of times. The apparition started at 9:07 a.m. and lasted 5 minutes. Mirjana spoke with Our Lady, with her hands folded all the time. Mirjana said that she could not say if Our Lady was sad or happy. The following is the message Our Lady gave to Mirjana:

“Dear children! By God’s will I am here with you in this place. I desire for you to open your hearts to me and to accept me as a mother. With my love I will teach you simplicity of life and richness of mercy and I will lead you to my Son. The way to Him can be difficult and painful but do not be afraid, I will be with you. My hands will hold you to the very end, to the eternal joy; therefore do not be afraid to open yourselves to me. Thank you.”

“Pray for priests. My Son gave them to you as a gift.”

* * *

And this heavenly message on the 2nd of the month for non-believers reaffirmed for me the invitation from Our Lady on March 18, 2008. Again, She referred to holding our hands and being with us through our difficulties and pain and sufferings. I just knew in my heart that Our Lady was accepting my prayer inviting Her into my life. I was overjoyed.

Meanwhile, there were other heavenly messages from Our Lord and Our Lady to other visionaries that were quite serious and deeply concerning to me. Through the visionary, Anna Marie, Apostolate of the Green Scapular (http://www.greenscapular.org), Our Lord and Our Lady were requesting a set number of rosaries, divine mercy chaplets, and daily masses to mitigate and, hopefully, prevent an imminent tragedy that had the potential to kill thousands of people.

Realizing the severity, this urgent request of Our Lord and Our Lady deeply penetrated my heart and my soul. I spent nights in tearful prayer crying for mitigation, not knowing what I could do as one person. Then, Our Lady revealed in a heavenly message to Anna-Marie that there were not enough rosaries, divine mercy chaplets, and daily masses to prevent the tragedy.

Reading the message from Our Lady really choked me up. So, I did the only thing that I thought I could do. I offered myself as a victim-soul to mitigate this tragedy. I just could not bear knowing thousands of people might die. And The Lord in His Infinite Goodness, accepted my sincere prayer. For, the next several days, satan became my constant companion. Unbeknownst to my family, friends, or coworkers, he and his devils were viciously attacking me day and night. I could barely sleep, as my bedroom became haunted, as they poked and prodded me and shrieked in my face.

I made it through the week very exhausted, but hopeful, that my gift was being used by Our Lady to save lives. Then, on Saturday, July 12, 2008, I went to Confession, and while in the Confessional, I begged my parish priest for help. I told him of the need for a set number of rosaries, divine mercy chaplets, and daily masses, to prevent an imminent tragedy. He questioned the need for a set number of prayers and masses. I could only respond with the story of Sodom and Gomorrah being spared destruction by Abraham’s earnest prayer request for ten righteous people. But, sadly, my priest did not believe me.

I relay this personal story to you, dearest readers, not to glorify myself as a victim-soul, but because it is related to what happened to me next, that same night and relates to the Mystery of March 18th that I desire to continue to share with you all. It is my hope that you continue to read this writing with open hearts.

It was past midnight, the eve of Sunday, July 13, 2008, an important day, related to Our Lady of Fatima. I was preparing myself for sleep. I had just turned off my bedroom lights and was lying in my bed. All of a sudden, I felt two invisible hands grasp my hands and lift them into the air. I was receiving a visitation from Our Lord and Our Lady.

I did not see Our Lord or Our Lady. But, I looked to my right hand and I was given the piercing clarity of heavenly grace to understand with crystal-clear insight that Our Lady was holding my right hand. Then, I looked to my left hand and I understood with immediate crystal-clear clarity that Our Lord, Jesus Christ, was holding my left hand.

Then, I felt the sensation of a ring being slipped onto my left hand finger. Jesus then opened my mind with heavenly grace and I was made to understand that on the day I die, when Jesus brings me to heaven, He would allow me to finally see the ring, which represented my redemption from my sins, and that it would shatter in my sight. And I was made in time to realize that the ring was comprised of a single Droplet of The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord from The Crucifixion and a single Precious Teardrop of Our Lady as Our Mother of Sorrows.

Then, later on that day, I received validation from heaven that truly, Our Lord and Our Lady had visited me. That Our Lord and Our Lady had extended Their Hands to me, just as I had extended my hands to Them months earlier. Here is the entire message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg (http://www.centeroftheimmaculateheart.org):

Public Message

Our Lady of Emmitsburg

To the World

Through Gianna Sullivan

July 13, 2008

“Little children, praised be Jesus!”

“Dear children, I am a Mother, “full of Grace.” I have extended my hand to you. I have presented my Most Adorable and Merciful Son to you.”

“Children, you all possess the same Spirit of Grace that God has gifted you. Why then do you tear one another apart? Why is there not harmony and unity? My Son’s Peace is that of holiness and justice. You do not realize the tears, the penance and the sacrifices made at a price for your existence! There are hidden heroes around the world whose love is their life’s mission. They pray to love; and oftentimes they come between you and God, warding off Divine punishment. They pray for a spiritual transfusion and for conversion of hearts.”

“It was the same during the time of my Son. The Pharisees, the Sadducees and the Scribes did not bear fruit through their repeated sins. They desired to persecute, to conquer, to dominate and to distort the goodness of my Son and the Truth of His Word. Is it not the same today—with “pharisees” living with hardness of heart, desiring to tear down, persecute and dominate? Is there not lust, gluttony, hatred and selfishness?”

“So today, I can tell you that true Charity will be precisely gifted upon those who are scorned, mocked, persecuted and laughed at. Little ones, when something is real, you cannot stop God! No judgment from men can impair or influence the Judgment of God. You would only be fighting God.”

“I am your Mother, “full of grace”; and my Merciful Son has allowed me to distribute these graces to you. I have a duty as a Mother to warn, to challenge, to protect and to draw all people to God. Please, receive these graces while I am still allowed.”

“Seals (Rev. 6:1-17) have been broken one by one, but if all the seals were broken at once, humanity would not be able to survive.”

“For those who have ears, hear! “We are not leaving.””

“I love you. I love you (fading whisper—crying).”

(During the apparition but before the audible message from Our Lady through Gianna to the world, Gianna’s eyes and head panned the entire width of the room from her right to her left as Our Lady moved from the center of the room to Her far left, upward and back to the center, and to Her far right, before returning back in front of Gianna. Throughout this entire time, a kaleidoscope of color in the form of rays flowed from Our Lady’s hands onto the entire crowd in the building. Those gathered at the Prayer Group saw on the giant screen monitors the ecstatic joy on Gianna’s face, for NEVER before had Gianna seen such an expression of Our Lady’s love. Our Lady shared with Gianna that she was distributing God’s graces to all.)

* * *

And from this heavenly message, I lived in joyful hope that the pending tragedy would be averted. Meanwhile, Our Lord and Our Lady continued to give me a gift that became apparent to me in the subsequent days.

For the past seven years, Jesus and the Blessed Mother have reminded me constantly of Their continual Presence in holding my hands. Unbeknownst to others, the Blessed Mother brings together three of my fingers on my right hand, when She desires to remind me of Her Presence and Her Maternal Love. Similarly, Jesus reminds me with three fingers on my left hand that He Is continuing to hold my hand.

This is a wholly miraculous phenomenon that I do not merit at all. The constant reminders become stronger and deepen when I am faithful and when I am in prayer. However, when I sin, especially, mortally, the reminders of Their closeness fade and disappear, only to return when I make a good Confession.

Again, I do not merit this special grace at all. For the longest time, I would wonder why My God had given me such a great gift. And for these reminders to have continued faithfully for over seven years is astonishing to me.

Sometimes, these constant reminders are difficult for me to handle. Especially, when I sin grievously and I am acting poorly. To know that Our Lord and Our Lady are holding my hands even when I sin is not only embarrassing, but stressful. Sadly, when I sin badly, sometimes I have thought to myself how much better it would be if They were not holding my hands. I have always quickly dispelled that thought from my mind when it happens. But, oh, how difficult it is to know how sinful I am before Our Lord and Our Lady!

And yet, They continue to hold my hands!! (Oh, how this makes me want to cover my face in shame now!).

I have also learned many spiritual insights due to this special grace from heaven. I am reminded of the following passage spoken by Jesus about The Final Judgment in the Gospel of Matthew:

Gospel of Matthew

Chapter 25, Verses 31-34, 41

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world… Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels…’ “

* * *

I know the Truth of this passage in Holy Scripture. For just as the sheep—holy and good souls—will stand to the right hand side of Jesus in the Final Judgment, so, too, do I stand at the right hand side of Jesus, holding His right Hand. And, similarly, Our Lady, The Queen of Heaven, stands to my right hand side, which is also to the right hand side of Our Lord, holding my right hand.

I stand protected between the bulwarks of Our Universal Faith—Our Lord and Our Lady.

I am also reminded of these words of the Nicene Creed:

“…I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages…

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end…”

* * *

I have never seen Our Father. But, once, I was in prayer late at night, and Our Father spoke to me in a gentle whisper. He whispered to me, “I love you,” which was totally unexpected, unmerited and a great blessing for me. And when Our Father spoke to me, He revealed His Presence to be at the left hand side of His Divine Son, Jesus. And so, I understood truly that Jesus Is seated at the right hand of His Father in heaven.

In time, I also came to realize, that while I stand between Our Lord and Our Lady, holding Their Hands, my guardian angel stands to my backside, covering me in a protective embrace of his wings. I also learned that St. Michael the Archangel and Angelic Leader of the Heavenly Armies stands in front of me, protecting me with his Shield of Truth, as revealed in a special devotion through the heavenly messages at Holy Love Ministry (http://www.holylove.org).

Over time, it was also revealed to me that my Patron Saints, along with the Celestial Court, and all good heavenly souls, stand to the right hand side of Jesus, in front of me and Our Lady. That truly, the entire Church is to the right hand side of Jesus, as revealed in the Gospel of Matthew.

Through personal experience, I also came to understand that satan and his devils and the demons are separated to the left hand side of Jesus and will be judged that way on the Last Day. That Our Heavenly Father stands in front of them, in diametrical opposition to them, protecting His Heavenly Family to the right hand side of His Divine Son.

And so, realizing the spiritual positioning of Our Lord and Our Lady and Heaven and hell, in relationship to myself, I also understood that wherever Our Lord and Our Lady walk, so walks the entire Church, in spiritual communion with Our Lord. In essence, this is the “Christian Soldier Circle of Protection” that surrounds me each moment, as a member of the Militant Church on earth, holding the Hands of Our Lord and Our Lady.

Now, you, oh, reader, may be scratching your head and wondering by now what all that I have written has to do with respect to the significance of March 18th in the heavenly messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje? I will now reveal the significance to you…

Our Lord has revealed to me that He desires everyone to strive for the “perfect love that casts out all fear.” Jesus desires everyone to have their own heavenly ring of His Most Precious Blood. Jesus desires to hold the hand of every person on earth.

Our Lord and Our Lady desire to invite every soul on earth to walk with Them holding Their Hands. Our Lady especially desires for every soul to welcome into their hearts the Presence of Heaven surrounding them on earth. That every soul can have the “Christian Soldier Circle of Protection” surrounding them every moment. Our Lord and Our Lady desires that everyone recognize and believe this fact.

As I shared at the beginning of this writing, Our Lady of Medjugorje has said, “… Everything passes exactly according to God’s plan. Have patience, persevere in prayer and in penance. Everything happens in its own time.”

In 1984/1985, Mirjana once asked Our Lady of Medjugorje why She received a young nun with open arms but kept Her hands joined before the others. The Blessed Mother replied:

“I will take with me very soon, all those to whom I extended my arms.”

The heavenly message from Our Lady to Mirjana on March 18, 2008 is the fulfillment of this prophecy. It is now time for Our Lady to take into Her Hands everyone whom She has extended Her Arms to through this message.

The invitation by Our Lady of Medjugorje on March 18, 2008 is real. The gift is not limited to one moment in time, but is an everlasting invitation of hope meant for everyone on earth. In obedience to Our Lord, I have given my personal testimony of this gift from His Most Sacred Heart. The gift is real and readily available to everyone. Each of us simply needs to extend our hands in sincere faith to The Lord and strive for the “perfect love that casts out all fear.” Jesus and Our Lady will come to everyone who asks.

Most people who might read this writing are familiar with the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Holy Scripture. It can be read in Chapter 15 of the Gospel of Luke. In the story, Jesus speaks of a son who leaves his father’s house to live a life of debauchery. A famine strikes and the son is penniless and dying of starvation. Then,

Gospel of Luke

Chapter 15, verses 17-24

“…Coming to his senses he thought, ‘How many of my father’s hired workers have more than enough food to eat, but here am I, dying from hunger. I shall get up and go to my father and I shall say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I no longer deserve to be called your son; treat me as you would treat one of your hired workers.” So he got up and went back to his father. While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him. His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you; I no longer deserve to be called your son.’ But his father ordered his servants, ‘Quickly bring the finest robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Take the fattened calf and slaughter it. Then let us celebrate with a feast, because this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again; he was lost, and has been found.’ Then the celebration began…”

* * *

Each of us is the prodigal son and prodigal daughter of Our Lord. All are invited to extend their hands to Our Lord and Our Lady for their own precious ring. Our Father desires to forgive each of us all our sins through the Most Precious Blood of His Divine Son. Our Father desires to clothe each of us in the Robe of Holiness. Our Father desires to personally put His Family Ring on each person’s finger. And Our Father desires to put new sandals on our feet so we can walk on the Path of Righteous and Truth, holding the Hands of His Son, Jesus, and His Mother, Mary, all the way home.

Earlier in this writing, I spoke of the book I wrote in 2011-2012, “Be My Extended Hands.” Part Four of the book contains all the heavenly messages from God on the spiritual path that Our Lord desires every soul travel to ensure that they make it home to heaven. The Heavenly Father desires that every soul seek out His Paternal Heart through the Spiritual Journey of Personal Holiness through The Sacred Chambers of The United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity and The Immaculate Heart of Mary. This spiritual path has been revealed through Holy Love Ministry (http://www.holylove.org) and the culmination of the spiritual journey is in Unitive Love, the Highest Heaven and Highest Form of Perfect Love possible between God and a soul. (Please see: The Goal of All Humanity – Unitive Love and the Sixth Chamber – Messages: http://maryrefugeofholylove.com/holy-love-ministry/the-goal-of-all-humanity-unitive-love-and-the-sixth-chamber-messages/)

There is a brass ring of Unitive Love waiting for every soul on earth:

Holy Love Ministry

August 1, 2003

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“How can I describe this Unitive Love I call you to? The length and breadth and depth are greater than human understanding. And yet, it is attainable in this life, but enjoyed by so few. It is a love of such profound measure that it transforms every present moment. It brings the Kingdom of My Father’s Divine Will to reign in the heart so that the soul accepts everything as from the Hand of God – as well victory as defeat.”

“How can I make you understand the measure of peace that this Unitive Love brings to the heart? How can I express to you the depth of joy? It is Heaven on earth. In Unitive Love everything in the present moment is shared with Me. There is no trial or tedium you face alone – no anxiety, for in Unitive Love everything is given over to Me.”

“I desire every soul reach for the brass ring of the Unitive Love. I will help you if you ask Me.”

* * *

I ask this question to all:

What if everyone had heeded the message of March 18, 2008 at Medjugorje?

Oh, how different the world would be today if everyone had recognized and invited Our Lord and Our Lady to walk with them on that day seven years ago!

I am just a soul. I have given you all my personal testimony to testify to the Truth of Our Lady’s words at Medjugorje. I pray with all my heart that each person who reads this writing will open their hearts to Our Lord and Our Lady. I pray that every person experiences the joy of walking each moment, holding the Hands of Our Lord and Our Lady, in their spiritual journey to Our Father.

In conclusion, I share two heavenly messages from Holy Love Ministry. The first message is from Our Heavenly Father and is an invitation to every soul into His Paternal Heart in Unitive Love. And the second message is a recent one from Jesus. It is an invitation to grasp His Hand in Holy Love.

God bless you all!

I love you.

–a soul

3-13-2015 A.D.

Our Lady, Holy Queen of the Remnant Faithful, pray for us!

* * *

Holy Love Ministry


March 17, 2008

I see a great Flame in the shape of a Heart. I understand it represents the Heart of God the Father.

The Father says:

“I am the Eternal Now, Perfect Love.”

“Today I come to speak to the world about Unitive Love. This is the love shared between Me and the souls that abide in the Fifth and Sixth Chambers of Our United Hearts. Unitive Love does not exist on its own, but always when My Heart and the human heart unite. Unitive Love is the highest and purest form of love that exists. It is the melting of our two hearts together to form a new and perfect love that is only shared in the hiddenness between us.”

“Only free will can separate us, just as only free will can excite such a union into being. Few attain this lofty, elusive love. But each time Mary Immaculate visits earth, Her purpose is to draw souls into Unitive Love. You will kindly make these words known.”

The Flame disappears. For a minute there is a puff of smoke. Then this diagram appears:

Unitive Love (perfection)


Divine Love (perfecting)


Holy Love (purging)

Holy Love Ministry

March 9, 2015

Jesus says:

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Please understand, the Remnant Faithful to which all are called is not an organization that a person signs up for and conducts meetings to attend. With this Holy Remnant, one member would not recognize another if they passed on the street. There is no president, secretary or treasurer of this Remnant Faithful. Rather, the Remnant is in hearts – formed in hearts and a part of the heart. The Remnant Faithful is the belief in Christian morals, the Ten Commandments embraced by Holy Love and, if Catholic, the Church Tradition.”

“In the world today, what is concealed in hearts directs the course of human history. You see violence on the rise and terrorism becoming more of a threat. These things are products of the heart; but I come to you through these Messages to encourage and strengthen good in hearts. Good must be united and portrayed in the world in order to conquer the evil of these times. Evil has been in the world since Adam and Eve; but never to the extent as it is today. Modern technology has made it easier for evil to propagate its cause. Satan provokes good to oppose good and clouds the difference between good and evil.”

“The secrets of men’s hearts are now being revealed. My call to righteousness, although Satan besmirches My call, is My Hand reaching out to humanity before it is too late. Grasp My Hand in Holy Love.”

Read 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5*

Synopsis: Request for mutual prayer that the Word of God be rapidly spread, that the Remnant Faithful may be delivered from evil men, that the Lord may strengthen and guard the Remnant Faithful from all evil, and that they may always be directed by the love of God and the Patience of Christ in union with the Divine Will.

“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed on and triumph, as it did among you, and that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men; for not all have faith. But the Lord is faithful; He will strengthen you and guard you from evil. And we have confidence in the Lord about you, that you are doing and will do the things which we command. May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.”

(*) Scripture verses asked to be read by Jesus.

Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible. Synopsis of Scripture provided by spiritual advisor.